A digital journey of my personal discovery of AT (Assistive Technology) and the people it helps.

“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.”

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 9 morning: Social Video Presentation

Each of the groups presented their social videos the first thing this morning. Just about every group encountered technical difficulties so it was a significant testament to how goal oriented we are as learners that every group did its Movie Maker video presentation on schedule.

Here is our group's social video. Darlene (who has the role of student in this video) has a real-life student with autism who is working on two tasks in his IPP for the school library mileu: he needs to walk in the library, and he needs to use soft hands with the books. Darlene did the student role because now she will be able to use this video in her real life classroom with a real child.

We were quite conscious of the strengths and needs of the student, and we were very conscious in our decisions to model appropriate behaviour in the library. Even the text in our captions required significant discussion and contributions by the team members most familiar with autism spectrum disorders. Of course, we had to include our favourite blooper at the end!

1 comment:

  1. Great BLOG! I really enjoyed it overall. You capture the use and importance of Assistive Tech beautifully with imagery, video, and pics.
    Thanks for this.
