A digital journey of my personal discovery of AT (Assistive Technology) and the people it helps.

“Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.”

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 2 am: Map of Pasadena's spot in NL

I live in Pasadena, Newfoundland. It's just one hour drive south of Gros Morne National Park. We enjoy canoeing in the summer and skiing in the winter.

(image source is http://ca.epodunk.com/ )

1 comment:

  1. Terry, Thanks for posting a visual of where you live in Newfoundland. I am a very visual person and do best with such, so this really helped me in having a frame of reference.

    I have never been to Newfoundland, but if I visit now, I just might come a knockin'!!!
